Friday, April 19, 2024

Week 15 Prompt Response: Promoting the Fiction Collection

Here I considered three ways that my library effectively markets our fiction collection to patrons. 

LibraryAware - My library uses LibraryAware to create next reads newsletters for patrons. This design program makes it easy for libraries to promote their collections.  At my library patrons can subscribe to Next Reads newsletters by choosing the specific genre newsletters they are interested in. You can check out our form here: I really enjoyed the webinar this week about form-based readers advisory, especially the panelists' discussions about the various ways they use LibraryAware. It is a great tool, and I'm glad we use it at my library. I have created content for our teen Instagram page a few times using LibraryAware (see below for a spooky story Halloween post). It is so easy to use, very intuitive, and I think it's one of the best ways our library promotes our fiction collection. 

Staff Picks - Regular staff picks displays are a great way to promote the library's collection. We currently have a physical staff picks display that is ongoing at my library. The display includes everything from books to movies to music cd's and audiobooks. Patrons gravitate toward these displays because they trust the recommenders (the library staff!). Patrons can chat with us about our picks, ask questions, and (hopefully) get a conversation going. We also include a staff picks section in our quarterly guide (see below). This is accessible to patrons online and in-person at the library. 

Physical Displays - Aside from our Staff Picks Display, our library has a multitude of physical displays throughout the library. Most of our Adult and Teen Reference Staff is involved with creating and maintaining these displays. Currently we have a large display highlighting books about autism and another display of books of poetry and novels in verse to recognize Autism Awareness Month and National Poetry Month. We also have a Program Display with books and resources that support our programs. It's fun to pick out a book that might have not circulated well and give it a place of prominence on the display shelves. Displays allow us to draw attention to low-circulating titles that might still appeal to readers and it enriches our patrons' browsing experience.

I really enjoyed learning about the importance of effective RA marketing and the methods different libraries are using to promote their collections. While my library does many things right, there are a few marketing tools that I think would be worthwhile additions. Form based RA and booktalks really caught my attention. I might have to talk to my manager!


  1. I am unfamiliar with LibraryAware. I will definitely play around with that design website. I usually do our non-fiction display, the advertisements are done by a co-worker, but I am always looking to learn new things! Thanks so much for that information!

    1. HI Savannah! Several librarians mentioned it on the webinar for this week. I think you need to pay for it, but it really makes marketing easy! I bet LibraryAware would offer your library a free trial.

  2. I really like the idea of staff picks! I think that librarians themselves are the best opportunity to advertise the collection, and giving librarians the opportunity to just talk about the works that they enjoy can pass that positivity and enthusiasm to the patrons!

  3. We have LibraryAware. It is 100% worth it if you have a small library with no marketing department. We have a marketing department, and we use it for last minute signs and the dedicated genre eblasts.

  4. Yes! My library has a permanent staff picks display that rotates quarterly between the four departments and it's great! Not only is it fun for the staff to passively share their favorite materials, but it's a great resource for patrons to get recommendations (especially if they're too shy to ask us). A double tie-in with your post-- one of our librarians posted a picture of it on our city chat community forum and a patron was shocked she had never noticed it before and was happy to browse it!

  5. Library Aware is amazing and I LOVE the format of your staff picks. Great ideas!
