Friday, February 16, 2024

Promoting Horror in the Library

If I were asked to promote our horror collection today, I would be inclined to take advantage of the popularity of March Madness! My library is currently in its second year of a March Madness tournament of books, so I could easily use what we already have and just plug in my horror titles. Also, this is a great way to promote our horror collection in an off-season (apart from Halloween). Regarding the integrated advisory, why not pair the book with its movie adaptation in the brackets? The book version would contend with the movie version, a full on battle would ensue, and a glorious winner will take the prize in the end. Will it be a book or a movie that will come out victorious? Here are some details regarding how it will work, followed by the brackets:

Patrons can either download a copy of the blank bracket sheet with the horror titles or pick up a copy at the desk. Voting for individual brackets will take place once a week as competitors are slowly sifted out. Incentives will be awarded to participants. Each time you vote, your name will be entered to win a grand prize (TBD!). Voting will take place via a Google Form available and updated each week on the library's website. Patrons can also submit their votes in person by handing in a bracket sheet.

All ideas for this have been borrowed from my library's March Madness tournament of books program:


  1. This is such a fun idea! Pairing the horror genre March *Madness* is clever, and I like adding the movie versions with the books. Some people may not realize their favorite horror movie is adapted from a book, and this could lead them to pick it up!

  2. Hi Melissa,

    This sounds so fun! I think it would be entertaining to see whether the book version or the movie version would come out victorious. You could also post the updated bracket to your library's Facebook or other social media accounts each week, which could give the community opportunities to engage in the comments and share their own thoughts on the winners!

    1. Hi Morgan! I agree that posting the updated brackets on social media or to the library's website is a great idea to maintain interest (and gather more!).

  3. I love the idea of a bracket! So unique and fun. Patrons love this kind of thing!
